EasyCwmp TR-069 is developed by PIVA Software

EasyCwmp TR-069 is a network management solution
based on Broadband Forum CWMP standard

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EasyCwmp is the #1 OpenSource of TR-069

  • TR-069: CPE WAN Management Protocol v1.1
  • TR-098: Internet Gateway Device version 1
  • TR-181: Device version 2.
  • TR-106: Data Model Template for TR-069-Enabled Devices
  • TR-111: STUN handling cwmp behind NAT
  • TR-104, TR-135, TR-196, TR-140 : with Data Model Generator
  • TR-157: Bulkdata
  • TR-143: Diagnostics
  • Free solution implemented with shell. Some parameters are implemented within this solution in order to show developers how to develop their own DataModel.
  • Commercial solution implemented with C. This solution is recommended for big DataModels. With shell solution, the execution of GetParameterValue of  the whole DataModel tree containing more than 150 parameters, can take more than 20 seconds. However, with the C solution it takes a few milliseconds.
  • For both solution, the managemenet of EasyCwmp DataModel is very easy.
  • Easy to update the DataModel parameters  thanks to the DataModel solution design.
  • Easy to install on Linux systems and to port on POSIX systems thanks to the design flexibility.
  • Easy to use thanks to the availability of a good documentation.
  • Supports all required TR-069 methods.
  • Supports integrated file transfer  (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP).
  • Supports SSL.
  • Supports IPv6.
  • Written in C
  • Compatible with POSIX-compliant systems
  • Android, OpenWRT and Linux systems support.
  • Supports many architectures: ARM, X86, MIPS, …
  • Single-threaded
  • Support TLS libraries (OpenSSL, PolarSSL, WolfSSL, uSSL)

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EasyCwmp is a GPLv2 open source implementation of the TR069 cwmp standard. EasyCwmp is developed by PIVA Software and it is derived from the project freecwmp. The aim of this project is to be fully conform with the TR069 CWMP standard